To scale its interface automatically under nonstandard high-dpi screen resolutions (such as 2736x1824 on a Surface Pro 6, which is below the standard 4K resolution), current versions of PixInsight need reliable information on screen physical dimensions provided by the operating system. This is not available on MS Surface laptops running Windows.
To overcome this problem, press Windows+R to open a 'Run' box. Then type the following and click OK:
C:\Program Files\PixInsight\bin\PixInsight.exe --ui-scaling=1.5
In this example, I am assuming that 1.5 is the correct scaling factor for your laptop monitor. If this is still too small for you, you can try with 2.0. Remember that
you only have to do this once. The specified scaling factor will be stored in application preferences, and will be used until you change it manually, or until you reset application settings.
For more information on new command-line arguments to control UI scaling, see this official announcement: run the PixInsight core application with the --help argument.
I am going to include a note on our System Requirements page and a new FAQ to describe these issues with Surface and similar convertible laptops.
Also worth noting is the fact that Surface laptops use an integrated Intel graphics adapter that has given many problems because of defective OpenGL implementations on Windows. I hope these problems have been fixed in new driver versions. Make sure you have the latest version of your graphics driver installed.