Author Topic: A new Excel spreadsheet to assist with PixInsight's new SubframeSelector  (Read 513 times)

Offline aworonow

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    • Faint Light Photography
I have written a new, logical, rigorous, flexible, and user friendly--Excel spreadsheet that makes generating subframe-weighting equations (for use within SubframeSelector).

Here is the link to a zipped folder that contains the spreadsheet and the instructions:

The reason to use the SubframeSelector (SS) is not just accept/reject subs, but to assign rational weights to each frame. This is an important operation, and if you do not use SS, you should learn to do so. The idea of a rational weight scheme requires a way to evaluate variables that make a subframe better or worse. Within SS the facilities for evaluating subs is improved over the previous version, but still it is rather minimal and not very interactive. Because of this, so folks have written Excel spreadsheets to help. I am among those folks. Furthermore, as far as I know, at this time mine is the only one that runs on the new version of SS.

If you've used PixInsights SubframeSelector Script before, then you probably notice there is another version now that is under Procedures. It runs much faster and uses updated algorithms for FWHM, star identification, .... , and has 3 windows. It also is now programmed (the weighting equation) using JavaScript.

Alex Woronow