Can you update the installation list over countries ?
The last time I did that, it provoked a number of strong reactions and I had to read some unfair discouraging comments. So, no, I won't update that list publicly anymore.
Are there any plans to translate the help system into other languages than English ?
We have many exciting projects and tons of interesting things to do before even thinking on translations, neither of the application nor of its documentation. For example, one of those things is precisely writing more documentation. English is the natural language for an international R&D project such as PixInsight. It is the only language that allows us to reach the widest possible audience worldwide.
Maybe it is time now to create language specific sub-forums.
I strongly disagree with the concept of language-specific forum boards, or language-specific forums, applied to a software project such as PixInsight. What we need is just the opposite: Instead of scattering the information throughout isolated units (because in this context each language plays the role of a wall, IMO), concentrate it in a single unit accessible to the majority of users. For example, imagine that you start an extremely interesting conversation on a German-specific sub-forum. Should we have to translate every message on that thread to n languages and post the translations on n sub-forums as they are being made? Wouldn't it be easier and much more efficient to post everything in the only language that most users are able to read and understand?