I detect some conceptual mistakes here, which require rigorous information to be sorted out. Just a few important facts that should be pointed out:
- Black regions caused by registration of frames cannot alter summary statistics computed by ImageIntegration, since this tool uses robust statistics methods. For example, with the only exception of the average deviation from the median, the rest of scale estimators used by ImageIntegration (MAD, BWMV, PBMV, Sn, Qn, IKSS) are robust. Despite the fact that it cannot be considered as robust strictly, even the average deviation, as implemented in II, is very resilient to outliers because it performs a trimmed average.
- Noise estimates are computed using statistically robust algorithms. Again, these estimates are immune to black regions caused by image registration.
- If our preprocessing tools and scripts are used correctly, noise estimates are always computed from unregistered, uninterpolated pixel data, just after image calibration. Noise estimates are calculated either by the ImageCalibration process (for non-CFA data) or by the Debayer process (for data mosaiced with a CFA). Both tools store noise estimates as image properties and private FITS header keywords. The ImageIntegration tool reads these metadata items, if they exist, and uses the corresponding values to generate robust and accurate noise-based image weights.
- If the data have not been preprocessed correctly in PixInsight, then the images don't have valid noise estimates stored as metadata. When this happens, noise evaluation has to be performed directly on the data loaded by ImageIntegration. In such case the noise estimates cannot be rigorous because image registration interpolates pixel data. Pixel interpolation acts like a variable low-pass filtering process that smoothens the image and generates aliasing artifacts, especially when registration has to correct for small rotation angles, as happens in most practical situations. With interpolated data, noise estimates cannot characterize well the raw data. For example, an image used as registration reference has not been interpolated (just calibrated) when it arrives to ImageIntegration. If no noise metadata is available, its noise estimate will be much higher than the estimates calculated for registered frames, which does not reflect what actually happens in the original data set. While these non-rigorous estimates are usually better than nothing, you cannot expect the same quality in the final result.