Author Topic: Star as a square  (Read 4674 times)

Offline shold

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Star as a square
« on: 2009 July 12 01:15:51 »
is it possible with a filter around the star to make.   
They are always squares on the DSLR-image.   
I tried it with the Restorationsfilter,but without success.   
Has anyone an idea?


Offline vicent_peris

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Re: Star as a square
« Reply #1 on: 2009 July 12 03:16:30 »
Yes: with MorphologicalTransform.

You have two options, depending on the size of your stars. If your stars are big enough (I think they aren't; this happens when you have a very sharp image with very good seeing conditions), you can do a bit of erosion to the corners of the square. Select a diagonal structure ("X") and do the action through a morphological selection operator with a selection value of <0.50.

If you have tiny stars, you need to make them round from the square. In this case, use the same operator with a selection value of >0.50. I think a diamond structure will do the work nicely.

Always use this technique through a good star mask!

Good luck!

Offline shold

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Re: Star as a square
« Reply #2 on: 2009 July 12 12:14:19 »
Hi Vicent,       
thanks for the tips.
Morphological Median, Amound <50and Size3 get good results.
I must still practice make good a star mask.
The picture is the center of Eta Carina.
