I tried to search for this topics but only found discussion of XSIF extension support. I am trying to use CometAlignment from a professional instrument where different CCD's frames are stored as FITS extension in a single file but I've got "*** Error: Multiple image files is not supported", as the CA process can not handle the composing frames in parallel.
Understood thant I tried to split the fits manyually, and save each CCD extesion as a independent FITS or even XISF files, one for each CCD. I could calibrate them with B,D,F masters but if I try them again in CometAligment I get a different error "*** DATE-OBS keyword not found or invalid".
It is clear that when saving the children extensions as new fits/xisf the original headers keyword at top tree level of the MEF fits are lost and not transfered to the extension headers, including DATE-OBS, etc. so CometAlignment cannot compute time differences between subs.
Any idea how to process those MEF files to retain the top tree keywords?