Dear Markus,
Hi - I measured my dark current for this camera recently as well.
What is a little odd is that there appears to be amp glow when reading an image, but not in the bias frames (not sure why).
So my dark current (as measured by difference between bias frame and dark frame), scaled as a constant plus a linear term. The linear term was very close to that reported by ASI on their web site.
Not sure why your's is exponential. Could you post your results as a graph?
Sure. Maybe I'm reading things wrong.
Here's the only linear graph I get - when I look at total mean dark current for the entire exposure.
But when I look at the noise in terms of e-/sec you see the non-linear aspect of things.
The first graph shows you that dark current increases over time.
The second tells you that the rate of increase is not linear.
That's what I'm confused about.
Oh, I should point out, all graphs in 12 bit numbers because it relates to the camera better.
Also my 'strange' gain settings are because I wanted the driver gain settings to reflect e-/ADU conversions.
My Unity Gain sits at 135 (not 139 as specified) which is exactly twice the gain of 195 (the first being 1e-/ADU, the second being 0.5 e-/ADU). That way I'm working with actual stops of light, which makes a lot more sense to me.
Cheers, Markus