Hello everyone,
I'm a brand new PI user, working through my first image. I've set up a PI project for that, and gotten through stacking and background neutralization. I'm saving gigabytes of intermediate files to disk.
When I went to save and exit PI last night, though, I kept getting dire warnings something about "nonempty processing histories" associated with unspecified images, and how I would lose them if I quit. I thought the latest PI saved your entire project, including histories, but it didn't seem to be doing that for me. I even dragged the History of the two images I had up onto the desktop and did Save Process Icons, and that didn't help. I ended up quitting PI despite the dire warnings.
When I re-started my PI project this morning everything looks intact, including my images and saved process icons. Without touching a thing, I went to close PI and again got the "nonempty processing histories" warning.
What do I need to do to exit PI gracefully? Any why doesn't it seem to store my processing histories?
Thanks much,