I am successfully using PhotometricColorCalibration (PCC), a great addition to PixInsight. However, I have noticed an apparent issue that should be reported.
PCC seems to be outputting different results for a specific image of mine, depending on whether it has already been plate-solved (prior to executing PCC).
Although I have not tested across many images, this symptom appears (for me) to occur only:
- with my image of 47 Tuc, and
- only if it has been plate solved earlier with ImageSolver, and
- only if I do not select the ‘Force plate solving’ option in PhotometricColorCalibration interface.
So, there is no issue if I do not (pre) platesolve or if I select the ‘Force plate solving’ option in PCC.
I have attached a link to copies of my PCC processes, plus four images I used for testing, including:
- two identical copies of the image (original plus clone), except one has been plate solved
- the resulting images from PhotometricColorCalibration. The one without ‘Force plate solving’ is coloured very differently (I expect old red stars, but the colour appears a bit extreme).
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13UiqTjDEd3CrH3ReyaMyh1ZAzilC8go9The images have been provided in 16-bit format because the 64-bit originals are enormous. Still large, but not as bad. The images were calibrated, combined using ChannelCombination and HDRComposition, and applied with DBE only.
I have looked at the resulting images after applying AnnotateImage and the annotations seem ok to me in all cases. (I was initially concerned that the zillion stars in and around the globular cluster may have confused things)
So, is this a bug, am I doing something wrong, or both?