Hi Cheyenne,
First - at only 1/4" exposure for your flats, you probably don't actually need FlatDarks - but you still would need to eliminate the 'bias offset' component in the flats, so use your Bias frames as FlatDarks, and see what the result is.
My suggestion would then be :-
Median(b1,b2) to give a (simulated) MasterFlatDark (well, average() might actually be better, because median() really benefits from a lot more statistical data than just two images !!)
Subtract (PixelMath) your MasterFlatDark from each Flat, keeping the resultant individually corrected images
Average all the corrected Flats to give you a MasterFlat
'Normalise' this MasterFlat (using PixelMath again) such that you 'multiply' the MasterFlat image by the constant ( 1.0000 / med(MasterFlat) ) --- this will set the 'middle' of the image range to '1.000', ready for the MasterFlat to be divided into your lights. HOWEVER, you must NOT 'enable' the 'rescale' facility. You NEED the image to contain values that are both 'above' (i.e. 'brighter') AND 'below' (i.e. 'dimmer') than the 'median' value of 1.00000.
Median (d1,d2) to give a MasterDark (again, you would be better off using average() with only two darks to play with)
Subtract the MasterDark (again, using PixelMath) from each of your six Lights, keeping the six results
Use PixelMath to DIVIDE each of your dark-subtracted Lights by the common NormalisedMasterFlat you created a few steps ago
Finally (assuming I haven't 'lost' you all together
) take the six dark-subtracted and flat-divided Lights and deBayer them - this (IMHO) is the earliest stage of the process that your images should be converted from their 'RAW' format. If you deBayer any ealier in the process you are just introducing more and more unecessary 'noise' to your data, simply because EVERY time that you deBayer, you ARE 'making assumptions', and assumptions (or guessing) === noise.
Once deBayered, the six (now RGB) images should be 'StarAligned' ready for stacking. If you StarAlign any earlier in the process, you WILL lose the critical alignment between your image data and the Bayer array - perhaps not completely, but enough to introduce more noise than is necessary.
And then you can just apply a simple 'average combine' to your 6, aligned, RGB, images - hopefully resulting in a final image ready for the rest of the wonder of PI to be applied
Remember, this is just how 'I' would tackle the workflow - others may offer different methods, and - like you - I will be happy to be shown where I might be going wrong, and to have my error explained.