Thank you all for worrying about me.
I'm fine. In fact, I'm working on the next version of PixInsight right now. I am also working on several new projects, mainly along with Vicent Peris, in which PixInsight finds very interesting applications, as well as some applications quite different from what is usual. So there is definitely activity on the programming front.
To be honest with you, I must confess that I ended up pretty burned last year. I had to finish the latest 1.8.5 version under heavy pressure, and the post-release period was not very nice, to put it softly. I was exhausted. I really needed a break. It's not that I have not been working on PixInsight during this year; I have done more than it seems, and the work done will pay off in future versions. However, during this year I have dedicated more time to my family, to finish a new house, and to other activities that are very important and vital for me, especially music (besides programming, I play guitar more or less seriously). Quite simply, I had to distance myself for a while from PixInsight, at least with the intensity with which I was dedicating myself to this project for many years in a row.
So I'm back. Ready to fight and get involved again in PixInsight, with all that this implies, including the funny and the hard parts. Stay tuned!