Author Topic: Workflow question  (Read 1466 times)

Offline 3ricj

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Workflow question
« on: 2018 August 13 10:36:55 »
Hi there,

I'm shooting large pano images -- many shots from many camera.  I'm having problems using the automatic tools as they seem really hard to script and automate in the way we need.  We have slowly been building some of our own JS to perform these functions, but I thought I would touch base here for guidance:

 -  For a single photo, I might have 40 to 100 "panels".
 -  When I'm shooting from a roundshot, each panel will have a common bias, dark, and flat frame.  Each panel will have 20-40 lights.
 -  Post PI, I'm going to stitch them into very high res images.   These images include foreground, so I end up doing two processes - one with star alignment and one without. I then manually stitch each panel together to stabilize the foreground. 
 - Because I'm later stitching after stacking, each image must have the same general exposure, balance, etc, done to it.
- In many cases, I'm shooting a 2nd pano with difference focus -- to capture the foreground.  that's much easier one I sort out the above.


 - Some tools seem to not save output but just keep a window open - how do I save these images out?  eg: from JS, how can I (for example) open an image, crop it, and save it back out again?
- Is there any API or wrapper for BPP?
- Does anyone have any general tips on workflow for this class of image? 

Thanks in advance,
-3ric Johanson

Offline 3ricj

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Re: Workflow question
« Reply #1 on: 2019 August 06 12:45:22 »
Hi there, 

I'm still struggling with the above.  Does anyone have any ideas?