I'm trying to use PI to batch process an eclipse timelapse (2000 files) and want to do some work on sequences of R, G, B channels of the original files.
I know the basics of applying a Process Icon to an Image Container for batch processing (a great feature of PI).
In this case, if I apply the channel extraction process to a file I get three new images created. When applied as a batch, all of these newly created files remain open as the batch proceeds. Well before I have 6000 new images open something is going to crash. So how do I include a "close all images" command in the process icon to keep closing the three new images created after each file in the sequence is extracted into its R/G/B channels?
Also in reverse, how do I point to the three separate series of R/G/B files when doing the channel recombination (after de-flicker and other processing of each channel series in other software)?