Author Topic: Stuck right from the beginning - Incompatible Geometry  (Read 2230 times)

Offline zbadger

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I have a ZWO 1600 Mono camera.  After watching all sorts of tutorials , reading the Warren Keller book and even speaking with him, I successfully processed mu first LRGB image (M 31) via Pixinsight this  past January.  Both Linear and Nonlinear and using masks!

I took notes (but not evidently very well).   I am embarrassed to say that I cannot even get off of square one now with new data - Caldwell 38 - the Needle Galaxy.  I thought I would try the easy way first through Batch Prepocessing and calibrate all my L, R, G and B frames at the same time but I get a "Imcompatible Geometry" error.

So I then went to the manual way of Image Calibration and inserted all my L, R, G and B frames at the same time but I get a message - "No image could be Calibrated" and as it was attempting to process I saw after every frame an "Imcompatible Geometry" error.

Is the error that I am doing all my L, R, G and B light frames at the same time?  I thought that was possible especially when using Batch Preprocessing.  IF that is not the problem, thoughts to help me get off of square one?  What am I missing?  Thank you.

Offline drmikevt

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Re: Stuck right from the beginning - Incompatible Geometry
« Reply #1 on: 2018 June 12 10:57:53 »
That error means that one of the calibration frames you are using is different size then the sub you are trying to apply it to.  Did you, for some reason, crop the dark, bias or flat frames you are using?  Are you using darks and bias frames from you previous efforts?  If so, you probably did something to them when processing your previous data.  You did not mention darks, bias or flat frames - where did they come from?  How many of each do you have?  Assuming all the LRGB frames are untouched and straight out of your camera, the issue must be with your calibration frames.


Offline zbadger

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Re: Stuck right from the beginning - Incompatible Geometry
« Reply #2 on: 2018 June 12 11:15:38 »
Thank you.   I am not using bias or flat frames but did use a master dark equal in length (2 minutes) to my subs.  It was made a year ago but I do not see why that would matter.

Offline zbadger

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Re: Stuck right from the beginning - Incompatible Geometry
« Reply #3 on: 2018 June 12 11:31:19 »
Wait - I may have made that dark with a ZWO color camera - not the 1600.  Let me shoot a new set of darks with the 1600 and see if that makes a difference.

Offline drmikevt

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Re: Stuck right from the beginning - Incompatible Geometry
« Reply #4 on: 2018 June 12 16:00:01 »
I'm going to guess that makes a difference -  best to calibrate subs with masters from the same camera, I always say.  :D