Put bias, flats and flat darks into BPP. This will generate a master flat. Next time around put in darks, lights, bias and master flat. Don't forget ti tick the box"use master flat"
A flat dark IS a dark. Just load it into the darks section. A flat dark is a dark frame taken at the same exposure as your flats.
So PI will separate them like it does with different colored flats, and will know what to do with them? It will know to use them to calibrate the flats and not the lights?
Quote from: rdryfoos on 2018 March 31 21:16:25So PI will separate them like it does with different colored flats, and will know what to do with them? It will know to use them to calibrate the flats and not the lights?No, BPP is not that smart. That's why Geoff said to run BPP once with bias, (flat) darks and flats to create master flats then run BPP again with bias, (normal) darks, master flats and lights.
Can you run it just to create master calibration stacks? Without light frames to calibrate?
Quote from: rdryfoos on 2018 March 31 21:24:05Can you run it just to create master calibration stacks? Without light frames to calibrate?Yes! It will warn that there are no lights but you can continue and it will build the masters.