I am really a newbie to PI. I have watched tutorials via the internet, purchased Inside Pixinsight and have been playing with data acquired the other night. I use SGP flats calib wizard to determine my target ADU (33000). Have captured my flats for each (LRGB) filter.
So I began by creating a Master Bias, Master Dark..no problems there. Saved them
Started with Blink and culled out my bad flats
Ended up with 15 blue flats @.63 sec.
When I calibrate using Image Calib, click on 'GO' I get the following error: APPLYING ERROR POLICY, CONTINUE ON ERROR...INCOMPATIBLE GEOMETRY..NO IMAGE COULD BE CALIBRATED
MY OUTPUT DIRECTORY: Master Bias (checked) master bias has /master bias/integration.xisf
No Calib checked
Master Dark checked ..input Master Dark /integration.xisf
calib and optimize checked
Master Flat (unchecked)
I am sure it's pilot error on my part, but I have tried this 19 different ways from Sunday and get the same results.
Are my flats too short???
Or should I make a master flat using ALL of my flats (lrgb) (commingled first) then check master flat on the bottom and input the master from all flats???
Thanks for your patience!