Hopefully someone can shed some light on this problem. I have taken a series of flat frames (30-50) from my Canon 6D Mark II and I am trying to create a master flat from them. The flat frames are all taken at 800 ISO, 1/1000 sec exposure and each one yields a histogram in dead center. Viewing them in Photoshop or Canon's Digital Image assistant shows the histogram in the center and the image displayed looks like a perfect flat.
I've calibrated these images with the master bias and master dark and the calibration runs without errors or warnings. The calibrated flats are .xisf files. When I take the calibrated flats through ImageIntegration however I get the message "Zero or insignificant signal detected (empty image?)" right off and the processing stops. If I open one of the calibrated flats in PixInSight, the images are black, even if I stretch them. Could something be going wrong in the calibration?