Hi Mark,
Some critical algorithms implemented in the ImageIntegration tool have been conceived, designed and adjusted to work with linear data. For example, noise evaluation does not make sense, in general, for nonlinear data. Moreover, default parameter settings have been defined after extensive testing on linear data sets.
The transformations applied for output normalization are described in section 1.4.3 of the ImageIntegration reference document. The main goal of the ImageIntegration task is to maximize signal to noise ratio in the output image for a given data set, not to preserve color balance or color consistency. In our tests, additive with scaling output normalization improves SNR consistently in integrated light frames for most data sets, that's why it is enabled by default and recommended in the documentation.
Color adjustments such as background neutralization and white balancing can be performed very easily and accurately with a variety of tools, including HistogramTransformation, BackgroundNeutralization, ColorCalibration, PhotometricColorCalibration, etc. However, these concepts are basically of no concern to ImageIntegration.