Thanks Jack. I have grabbed those and they look very good. I was hoping that something more "generic" was available specifically
tailored to the interface that all of the functions have in common. For example, how the real time preview works vs. the standard
(area) preview, or how the drag to apply works, or the various editors and explorers, etc. I am sure one could figure this out but I keep
thinking there ought to be a easier way to get up and running in that sense. Clearly the effects of various settings within functions
is something that is mostly gained by experience, but I am thinking more about those aspects of the interface that are unusual
compared to most of the other programs.
Maybe the problem is that the tutorials are written by folks only after they become experienced, by which time the odd interface
has become second nature to them and they do not feel that those aspects are worth a tutorial.
I have the 30 day demo that is set to expire in about a week and need to decide if I want to proceed with the purchase.
There is no shortage of processing programs out there and I have used many of them from MaxIm to Mira. PixInsight just looks
to be more powerful as well as more all-inclusive than most. I do have to say, however, I am a bit intimidated by the unusual interface.
It is different, but many powerful programs are (perhaps by necessity). I am reminded of the old DOS-based Mira which was king of the
powerful but bizarre in it's day. <g>