Author Topic: Critical errors detected: PixInsight 1.5.2 for Windows  (Read 5064 times)

Offline Juan Conejero

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[Texto en Español al final]

Hi all,

We have discovered two critical errors in PixInsight 1.5.2 for Windows:

* The new Winsorized sigma clipping algorithm leads to a frozen PixInsight application on Windows. Of course, it works perfectly on both Linux and Mac OS X (GNU compilers). This has been discovered today by Thomas W. Earle (PTeam). I must confess that the final version of the ImageIntegration module wasn't tested on Windows; I only tested it on Linux and Mac OS X. I was silly enough to think that the Windows version should work nice, too. My fault: the fact that something runs on Windows must never be taken for granted without proof.

* PixInsight 1.5.2 requires a processor with support for SSE2 instructions. As a result, it won't work on old AMD processors, such as Athlon XP/MP and some of the first Sempron models. Since there are some users that cannot run PixInsight on their current computers, I'll rebuild PixInsight for 32-bit Windows without SSE instructions. As there have been no complains from Linux users, and all Intel-based Mac OS X machines support SSE3 at least, this change will only affect 32-bit Windows versions.

PixInsight 1.5.3 is being cooked right now. Sorry for the inconveniences.


Hola a todos,

Hemos descubierto dos errores críticos en PixInsight 1.5.2 para Windows:

* El nuevo algoritmo Winsorized sigma clipping produce el bloqueo total de la aplicación de PixInsight en Windows. Por supuesto, funciona perfectamente en Linux y en Mac OS X (compiladores GNU). Este problema ha sido descubierto hoy por Thomas W. Earle (PTeam). Debo confesar que la versión final del módulo ImageIntegration no fue verificada en Windows; tan sólo la comprobé en Linux y en Mac OS X. Me temo que fui lo bastante idiota como para pensar que la versión para Windows funcionaría igualmente. Error: el hecho de que algo funcione en Windows nunca debe ser considerado como cierto sin contar con pruebas fehacientes.

* PixInsight 1.5.2 requiere un procesador con soporte de instrucciones SSE2. Como resultado, ya no funciona en procesadores AMD antiguos, como Athlon XP/MP y algunos de los primeros modelos de Sempron. Ya que hay varios usuarios que no pueden ejecutar PixInsight en sus máquinas actuales, reconstruiré PixInsight para 32 bits en Windows sin instrucciones SSE. Como no hay quejas por parte de usuarios de Linux, y todas las máquinas Intel que corren Mac OS X soportan SSE3 como mínimo, este cambio sólo afectará a las versiones para Windows de 32 bits.

PixInsight 1.5.3 ya está siendo "cocinado" en este momento. Perdón por las molestias.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Harry page

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Re: Critical errors detected: PixInsight 1.5.2 for Windows
« Reply #1 on: 2009 June 08 13:46:23 »
Hi Juan

just to let you know I have ran winsorized sig on my vista 64 with no problems  ???

Harry Page

Offline Fco. Bosch

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Re: Critical errors detected: PixInsight 1.5.2 for Windows
« Reply #2 on: 2009 June 08 15:55:22 »
they are other minor errors, like in STF if the upper left option is selected, the automatic auto strecht produces a red screen. 
in InmageIntegration, in Weights, "exposure Time" don't work; and also in "weights" with arerage value, the software freeze, with "at adress 0084F8E8 with exception code: invalid memory read operation at adress DD001AB".

Fco. Bosch

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Re: Critical errors detected: PixInsight 1.5.2 for Windows
« Reply #3 on: 2009 June 08 15:57:42 »
Sorry; the last error is " "... at adress FD001AB"
Fco. Bosch

Offline David Serrano

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Re: Critical errors detected: PixInsight 1.5.2 for Windows
« Reply #4 on: 2009 June 09 06:32:39 »
I'll rebuild PixInsight for 32-bit Windows without SSE instructions. As there have been no complains from Linux users

I, for one, can't run PixInsight on my linux desktop computer because of this. But please, don't compile the application for just one user - let's see if there are more like me.

"And what about your amd64 dual core laptop?" you might ask ;) Well, I'm forced to use that computer literally "lap top", which isn't very comfortable. That's why I still ocassionally use PixInsight 1.3 in the desktop one ;).
 David Serrano

Offline NKV

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Re: Critical errors detected: PixInsight 1.5.2 for Windows
« Reply #5 on: 2009 June 17 22:09:51 »
One more critical errors.
Print Screen in attachment.

Offline C. Sonnenstein

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Re: Critical errors detected: PixInsight 1.5.2 for Windows
« Reply #6 on: 2009 June 18 13:34:45 »
Debo confesar que la versión final del módulo ImageIntegration no fue verificada en Windows; tan sólo la comprobé en Linux y en Mac OS X. Me temo que fui lo bastante idiota como para pensar que la versión para Windows funcionaría igualmente.
Encontraste pues un bug de regalo  :D
Carlos Sonnenstein