Thanks Rob
I have been using this guide for my SuperBIAS and Master Darks, and it talks about creating the Calibrated Master Darks in there, so I do that part
However when it talks about generating the master flat, it is refering to calibrating them with a SuperBias as well as a Master Dark, which I find a little odd considring my flat frames are all below 3 seconds (Including Narrowband)
"As with the master dark, before we proceed with stacking the flat frames, we need to calibrate them individually with the master superbias and the master dark. To do this, we return to the ImageCalibration process. To avoid confusion, we can click the Reset button to reset the process back to defaults. "
Hence my post, this is where I am confused, I thought that if you do not take BIAS frames you need to do dark flats at the same exposure length of your flats, but if you take BIAS frames you should not need to do dark you see where the confusion comes from?