Im was trying to experiment with the histogram transformation function to try to learn how to manually stretch my image when I discovered an anomaly with the screen transfer function. I've been using the STF button in the toolbar throughout my preprocessing, followed by DBE, background neutralization, photometric color calibration and finally SCNR. My stacked image had a wierd dark blotch (seen in all the attached screenshots) but it seemed to be largely mitigated in the color calibration step. Does anyone know what would cause the wierd dark blotch? In retrospect, I did stack 2 sets of data with slightly different exposures (f2.8 and f3.2) which reading online should have been stacked separately and merged using HDR transformation...
My questions are:
1) If I have various images (say 100 per) at the same focal length, but varying aperture or ISO settings, can they be registered and stacked together or should they be stacked separately and merged using HDR transform?
2) Currently in my image I am seeing an odd variation in the STF function output (see attached screenshots). The better one is the result I got from using the automatic STF button in the background neutralization step, saving and then just applying color calibration and SCNR with it still on. when i save and reopen the image, that is what I see in pixinsight by default. However if I clear the reset the stretch and use the STF function itself, I get the attached results RGB channels linked/unlinked? Why are they different? How do you replicate the stretch I got the first time around?
Thanks in advance for any help and advice...