For those of us who regularly take flat darks rather than bias frames (the two are actually equivalent with many cameras), here is my humble attempt to improve the BatchPreprocessing script. This version gives you a checkbox, "Bias frames are flat darks," which, when checked, causes the bias frames to be used not only as bias but also for dark subtraction of the flats.
This works whether or not you are optimizing darks. When you are optimizing darks, it is not so necessary, because the regular darks are scaled to match the flats, but at least in theory (and I think in practice) this calibration is still a little better this way.
Presented to the PixInsight community with my compliments; feedback and improvements welcome!
This script is internally named "BatchPreprocessingFD" to avoid conflict with the original. But I would like to suggest picking up this change into the distribution version, if the developers agree that it is useful.
UPDATE - Do not download this file - a corrected version was posted later. Scroll down to that.