Thanks a lot for your time solving my tiny problems!
It's actually getting more interesting.
1. On Nikon 810A (btw letter "A" means "Astronomy version"), there is no filter installed before the sensor - to let wider wavelengh spectrum through.
2. I have an option to choose between large raw files 7360 x 4912 and small raw files 3680 x 2456. I normally use small raw, especially for astrophoto. I will try to process large raw, but this probably is not the reason for trouble.
3. I did nothing unusual when shooting - all light frames and darks are taken with 60s exposure, bias frames are taken with 1/2000 or something like that.
So, it looks like a genuine bug in the software, which I did not believe from start (more likely it would be my own "human error")?
Maybe, Pixinsight does not recognize images as color, since it can not detect any filter??
- Should we report this to someone? I mean, it's unfortunate if Nikon's only astro-camera is not compatible with Pixinsight?
- What shall I do so far? Is it possible to split color image in three RGB channels, process them separately and then put together again? A bit cumbersome, but might work?