i had PI open for several weeks with a single image open, which had one operation done to it (invert). there is one .swp file in /tmp, which under ordinary circumstances would have been deleted by the OS cron scripts, but i had disabled that. when i hit command-z, i got the following dump in a dialog box.
i think i happen to be running a downrev version of PI on this machine...
Critical signal caught (11): Segmentation violation
PixInsight - Critical Signal Backtrace
Signal : 11
Module : 0 PixInsight 0x000000010dae2df6 curl_slist_free_all + 1710659
31: 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff961f352a _sigtramp + 26
30: 2 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fffa09e02a4 _ZN11objc_object17sidetable_releaseEb + 270
29: 3 PixInsight 0x000000010cd29cb7 start + 3313783
28: 4 PixInsight 0x000000010cd5b17f start + 3515711
27: 5 PixInsight 0x000000010cd66eba start + 3564154
26: 6 PixInsight 0x000000010d5cfc09 start + 12382153
25: 7 QtCore 0x0000000111a133e9 _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv + 2953
24: 8 QtWidgets 0x0000000110a05a70 _ZN7QAction8activateENS_11ActionEventE + 288
23: 9 QtCore 0x0000000111a133e9 _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv + 2953
22: 10 QtCore 0x0000000111a0c0d3 _ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent + 755
21: 11 QtWidgets 0x0000000110a0e953 _ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 307
20: 12 QtWidgets 0x0000000110a11c46 _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 8022
19: 13 PixInsight 0x000000010cb360c6 start + 1266822
18: 14 QtCore 0x00000001119e38ec _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjectiP11QThreadData + 956
17: 15 libqcocoa.dylib 0x0000000113a91fee qt_plugin_instance + 108366
16: 16 libqcocoa.dylib 0x0000000113a92861 qt_plugin_instance + 110529
15: 17 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff94d827e1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
14: 18 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff94d61f0c __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 556
13: 19 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff94d6142f __CFRunLoopRun + 927
12: 20 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff94d60e28 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
11: 21 HIToolbox 0x00007fff92c9a935 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
10: 22 HIToolbox 0x00007fff92c9a677 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 184
9: 23 HIToolbox 0x00007fff92c9a5af _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
8: 24 AppKit 0x00007fff91f6ddf6 _DPSNextEvent + 1067
7: 25 AppKit 0x00007fff91f6d226 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454
6: 26 AppKit 0x00007fff91f61d80 -[NSApplication run] + 682
5: 27 libqcocoa.dylib 0x0000000113a917ba qt_plugin_instance + 106266
4: 28 QtCore 0x00000001119e037c _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE + 412
3: 29 QtCore 0x00000001119e31ca _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv + 346
2: 30 PixInsight 0x000000010cb4a5b3 start + 1350003
1: 31 PixInsight 0x000000010ca00c74 start + 52