The coordinates of OBJCTRA and OBJCTDEC in your image are more than 3 degrees from the center of image and way out of the field of view. Using better seed coordinates ImageSolver can solve the image:
Image Plate Solver script version 5.0
Referentiation Matrix (Gnomonic projection = Matrix * Coords[x,y]):
+1.47903e-06 -0.00042874 +0.541417
+0.000428643 +1.43702e-06 -0.721236
+0 +0 +1
Projection origin.. [1678.349184 1268.600133]px -> [RA:22 56 44.867 Dec:+62 26 57.41]
Resolution ........ 1.543 arcsec/px
Rotation .......... 90.188 deg
Focal ............. 721.72 mm
Pixel size ........ 5.40 um
Field of view ..... 1d 26' 22.4" x 1d 5' 13.8"
Image center ...... RA: 22 56 45.001 Dec: +62 26 58.42
Image bounds:
top-left ....... RA: 23 01 19.143 Dec: +61 43 23.98
top-right ...... RA: 23 01 35.311 Dec: +63 09 44.08
bottom-left .... RA: 22 52 08.304 Dec: +61 43 36.82
bottom-right ... RA: 22 51 57.301 Dec: +63 09 57.56
As the documentation of the script says, ImageSolver is NOT a blind solver. You need to know an approximation of the coordinates of the center of the image. These coordinates have to be inside the field of view of the image.
Please read the documentation of the script. It explains how to use the script and what to do when the script can not solve an image.