I've seen a smattering of other folks reporting similar issues, so I'll add my data in case it helps resolve the issue (or educate me as to what I'm doing wrong). This is basically a copy of a reply that I made to someone who was seeing similar issues in the General forum.
This issue occurred on about 1/3 of my Ha frames for a particular target, but I will narrow it down to a sequence of four 10-minute Ha frames that I took consecutively. When I look at the raw frames, they look pretty much identical except for an occasional satellite or cosmic ray hit. However, after I run them through the image integration process, three out of the four have their signal nearly eliminated. After running the calibration script, images 1, 2, and 4 in the sequence look nearly black (even after STF), while image 3 looks similar to the raw frame. I tried eliminating the flat frame from the integration, but that didn't change anything. I also tried changing the noise evaluation algorithm, but that didn't matter either.
To see it visually, I've captured a screenshot showing two raw frames on the bottom row (image 3 & 4 in the sequence) along with the corresponding calibrated frames above them. STF was applied to all four images.
The four raw frames, four calibrated frames, and master dark/bias/flat can be found here:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jeg7g5r14yuvbds/AAB8C5jOvCZn8fBsoZSTCcNAa?dl=0I've attached a csv file from a run with a BatchStatistics script against the four raw frames. The data looks nearly identical between all four images, at least from what I can see.
Below is the console output from the integration process for the four frames. Note the significant differences in k0, s0, and n0 values between image 3 (the good image after calibration) vs. the other three images:
Writing output file: C:/Users/Kathy/Desktop/PI_cache/IC5146/Cal2/IC5146_Ha_600sec_1x1_0C_20170823_0005_c.xisf
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.545
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 5.145e-10, n0 = 0.857 (K-Sigma)
Writing image: w=3326 h=2504 n=1 Gray Float32
70 FITS keyword(s) embedded.
Writing output file: C:/.../IC5146/Cal2/IC5146_Ha_600sec_1x1_0C_20170911_0001_c.xisf
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.550
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 8.517e-09, n0 = 0.821 (K-Sigma)
Writing image: w=3326 h=2504 n=1 Gray Float32
70 FITS keyword(s) embedded.
Writing output file: C:/.../IC5146/Cal2/IC5146_Ha_600sec_1x1_0C_20170911_0003_c.xisf
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.158
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 3.018e-04, n0 = 0.258 (MRS)
Writing image: w=3326 h=2504 n=1 Gray Float32
70 FITS keyword(s) embedded.
Writing output file: C:/.../IC5146/Cal2/IC5146_Ha_600sec_1x1_0C_20170911_0002_c.xisf
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.552
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 2.247e-08, n0 = 0.807 (K-Sigma)
Writing image: w=3326 h=2504 n=1 Gray Float32
70 FITS keyword(s) embedded.
Writing output file: C:/Users/.../IC5146/Cal2/IC5146_Ha_600sec_1x1_0C_20170911_0004_c.xisf
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.559
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 9.518e-09, n0 = 0.820 (K-Sigma)
Writing image: w=3326 h=2504 n=1 Gray Float32
70 FITS keyword(s) embedded.
If I can provide any additional data that might help, let me know.