I tried some of the things you suggest, like a clean install, resetting all to default values, etc. The previous version was 1.8.4. I actually reinstalled the 1.8.4 from the software repository, and it's now returning the very same 00000 error. I wasn't expecting that, but somehow I can see why it would make sense, depending on what's going on.
Reinstalling Windows (7 in my case, not 10) is a big deal, time wise, it's not just Windows but also everything else I have installed and fine-tuned to the most perfect settings ever known to man, save this unfortunate exception.
No, seriously, I can see why a brand new OS reinstall would work (it'd be as "clean" as it gets) but I'd much rather exhaust other options first. Where else, other than the install directories under "Program Files" and the "license" file, should I look for settings/files/etc left by PixInsight that could affect the behavior of a new install?