Author Topic: SCNR  (Read 2065 times)

Offline ngc1535

  • PixInsight Old Hand
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« on: 2017 July 27 22:40:59 »

Below is what the old documentation shows for SCNR:

1. Is the parameter "a" related to the amount slider? If so, where should "a" show up for the Average Neutral method?

2. For Average Neutral it would seem that if R and B are nearly equal (likely neutral pixel) and G is larger than R and B (or the pixel wouldn't look green)- then the average (m) will always be chosen?

3. What is the expression for the Minimum Neutral Protection?

4. I can't seem to figure out when a green pixel is embedded in a non neutral pixel (that is R does not equal B)- when do any of the expressions do better than average neutral?

Curious minds....

Maximum Mask Protection
m = Max( R, B )
G' = G×(1 — a)×(1 — m) + m×G

Additive Mask Protection
m = Min( 1, R+B )
G' = G×(1 — a)×(1 — m) + m×G (same as Maximum Mask)

Average Neutral Protection
m = 0.5×(R + B)
G' = Min( G, m )

Maximum Neutral Protection
m = Max( R, B ) (same as Maximum Mask)
G' = Min( G, m ) (same as Average Neutral)