I disagree that there are any useful standards out there let alone a "god standard". People do talk about the software(s) that are available but the free software that are available are pretty much abandoned (Registax) or are poorly documented (PIPP and Autostakkart) and suffer from stability issues (Registax, PIPP, Autostackkart). Yes, some people have eventually figured out when to use which one of these tools in a rhythm that works for them, but that doesn't make any of the available software "god standard" unless by that you mean the only tool available to use.
Swiss army knife or a hammer - something that is free is free for a good reason. One common issue I have noticed with these software is that they like to work on very small images, and I don't, I don't care for 400x 400 pixel images of the moon or Saturn or Jupiter. I want to be able to use my full frame camera, capture with as high a resolution as possible, and be able to print as large as possible.
So please - PI - give us a tool that is worthy of our passion and the thousands of dollars worth of equipment that we have gathered together to capture the images with.