Author Topic: .NET Core 2.0 for Linux, Window, iOS, Future Path of PixInsght?  (Read 3254 times)

Offline OldSkyEyes

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Since .NET Core 2.0 is made to be a multi platform library and that is important for PixInsight I was wondering this could become a second library to build core modules on besides C++ ?

Since C++ is a bit trickier than C#
(more people can program C# just like there are more people able to program JavaScript than C++)

Offline deanchalk

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Re: .NET Core 2.0 for Linux, Window, iOS, Future Path of PixInsght?
« Reply #1 on: 2018 August 07 05:33:11 »
As a C# developer (and newbie Pixinsight tinkerer), I can tell you that although .NET Core is cross-platform, it can only be used within an application targeting one of the .NET runtimes. Pixinsight is built with QT, so has no relationship with .NET and the development language is c++.

The authors of Pixinsight could move to Xamarin for cross-platform apps (in .NET - C# or C++) which would avoid the limitations of QT (especially in windows 10 high dpi systems), but it would require a complete re-write of the application.

Hope that clears it up a bit