I'm a newbie with PI (in fact I'm still on the trial) and I'm having some issues post-processing my images. Last night I took 69 lights (and 50 bias and 50 darks, no flats) of M3 trough my SkyWatcher BD 150/750 telescope using my Canon 1200D camera with an Astronomik's CLS filter. The original lights look like this:
I used the script for preprocessing with this parameters:
Then, after integration, I find that the resulting image (after streching) is a little reddish on the left and a little blueish in the right:
So I went to the DBE hoping that it might solve that, but this is what happens (always):
The left image is the result after the DBE, and the right image is the result after the sucesive streching. I'm not worry about the stains, because they are probably due to the lens. But the color is completly different that any result I have found in any tutorial so far. I have the feeling that it might have something to do with the CLS filter, but maybe I'm doing something else wrong.
Any ideas? What am I doing wrong?