Hi Tommy,
Looking at your FITS and XPSM files, I can see that you are trying to create a cropped image with a size of 3328 x 2534 pixels - no problems there.
However, you are using a 'centred anchor' at (1703.00, 1298.99) which may well be giving rise to 'integer-rounding' errors.
It might be worth your while trying to change the anchor-point from 'centre' to (for example) 'top-left'. Once you have done that you can still specify (either dynamically, or manually) the crop size to be 3328 x 2534. However, you can also then specify the anchor point to be (39, 32) - noting that none of these specifications involves anything other than 'whole integer' values.
Now, if this is a crop action that you expect to perhaps be repeating on a regular basis, it may even be beneficial to avoid using the DynamicCrop process and to use the simple Crop process instead. (You would perhaps only use the DynamicCrop process to initially determine the crop area).
I don't know if this is going to resolve your issues, but it might be wortha try.