Author Topic: Comet Alignment for multiple image series  (Read 2003 times)

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Comet Alignment for multiple image series
« on: 2017 March 31 02:11:06 »
Hi all,
i recently took images of Comet 41/P, mount used was an AstroTrac. I ended up with 2 series of 30 images each, with the FoV offset between 50 and 100 pixels against each other because i had to manually realign the camera after shooting the first sequence.

Now i'm wondering what the best approach is to stacking these images.

CometAlignment can't process all of the 60 images in one go because of the 'step' between image 30 and 31 - the end result would be a double image of the comet.
Of course i can process each sequence separately, but i'm not sure how to go on combining the results, is that possible using Pixel Math like in the tutorial from Harry's Astro Shed?
Best regards,
