I am guessing a bit here, here is a possibility and a suggestion:
If you set "Subframe region" too small, the script will ignore it and give a typical FWHM for all detected stars in the entire frame. Check the process log for the warning message.
To run a test on a single star, do this: Create a preview around the star (say 10x10 px or so), drag it to the workspace to make a new image. Run Crop to expand the image to 1000x1000 px or so, where the star is basically centered. Run PixelMath "iif($target == 0, median($target), $target)" to replace the zeros with the median. (The median($target) will give a clipped, nonzero median of the original 10x10). Save this image and run the script with the point spread function you want to use. Run DPSF with the same function. The results should basically match.
In DPSF set scale mode to pixels, and similarly in the script set scale unit to pixels.