Seeing no other input here, i will chime in as a newbee who also has a lot of frustrations with comet align. I cant say for sure if its non linear or just additive due to the way it stacks the comet and applies pixel rejection to the rest.
It was best if i used linearfit to align the comet integration to the star integration before using pixelmath to combine the two images.
Also with the new cometalign i found GREAT success with the seldom documented subtraction options. Use the first cometintegration as a sort of mask to creat the star integrated background. Use clone stamping to get rid of most of star trail artifacts in the cometintegration. Then use that to create the starintregrated background by subtracting it. THEN do the cometalign a third time and subtract the star background you just created. This gives you a comet integration without any star artifacts. Then linearfit and pixelmath to combine both.
The first cometintegration is used only to create the starstacked background and then never used again.
Most of the books out there are a bit dated and describe the old school method of comet stacking which requires a great deal more manual labor to get a clean image. Its still a great idea to go through the paces as it helps to understand the core principles. However i can tell you that unless you have a fantastic comet signal it will be difficult to process out a lot of the background artifacts. The subtraction method gets rid of most artifacts and those that are left are darker than the background as you are subtracting them and easier to get rid of.
I am planning to make a short video on how to use subtraction as there is not much out there yet on it. Took me a while to decode the existing forum discussions and understand what PI was doing and thats simply because i am fairly new to PI and still learning.
Now im waiting for 41P and the moon cycle to end so i can get out and start imaging again.