Author Topic: Looking for mentor  (Read 2152 times)

Offline tdgm

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Looking for mentor
« on: 2017 January 01 18:00:46 »
Hello Gals/Guys

I have been trying to use PixInsight for over a year now and starting to at least know how to use the interface. I have tried to follow online video's books and forums. I have actually started to learn a little. I have linear and non linear processed my data to questionable results. My friends like the results but I am a little more picky. A lot of the time then end results becomes palstic or over processed and when I try to go backwards to see where I might have gone wrong it turns out to be earlier in the process but does not really show up to late in the process. Also with all the information out there I am starting to get confused at  when and what to do.

So I am looking for a mentor that could work with me on my processing with PixInsight.

So if you are so inclined you can PM me here on The forum or send me an email at

Thanks ahead of time for anyone willing to take on the challenge.

Steve Herrman Sedona AZ


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Re: Looking for mentor
« Reply #1 on: 2017 January 01 19:13:04 »
Hi Steve,

While I cannot offer to be a mentor (I am in a phase like you), there is a Yahoo Forum called "DSLR AstroImage Processing" that deals mostly with the processing part of our hobby. Many of the members use PI and post there work flows there. It is an active forum. I highly recommend it.


Offline tdgm

  • PixInsight Old Hand
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Re: Looking for mentor
« Reply #2 on: 2017 January 01 19:30:30 »
Thanks Frank I will take a look. what I am looking for is someone to tell me what is wrong with my images and make suggestions on how to fix them. I have a heavy hand. Joined how do i use it?

« Last Edit: 2017 January 01 20:03:20 by tdgm »