Author Topic: BPP optimization  (Read 2507 times)

Offline miska

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BPP optimization
« on: 2016 November 10 04:02:09 »
Until now, I have been running BPP pretty much using the default settings for all the steps. I have been happy with the results, but now have a challenging object (very faint Halpha emission), that I would like to get out of my image.
So I'd like to optimize a bit the stacking process.
What steps should I do and begin with ? What do you think are the most important parameters to optimize ? I think I need mostly to tackle image integration.

The data I have is Canon 6D DSLR images, with and without a clip-in Halpha filter.

Thoughts and ideas ?

Offline miska

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Re: BPP optimization
« Reply #1 on: 2016 November 18 23:37:20 »
Or perhaps a tutorial on how to optimize BPP ? Most I have seen are more how to get it going, rather than how to get the best out of it ?
Of course, I could go into its individual bricks, but I'd rather start by tweaking in BPP if possible...

Offline eganz

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Re: BPP optimization
« Reply #2 on: 2016 November 19 06:28:30 »
After you run BPP, you can run the image integration process separately.
This will allow you to look at and optimize the image integration with your registered files.
This will be particularly important for your H Alpha results.

for each subsection, you can check the results by looking at the files or using blink afterward.
Then you can either rerun BPP with new parameters, or redo each section individually using the separate processes.

Offline eganz

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Re: BPP optimization
« Reply #3 on: 2016 November 19 06:51:33 »
generally, unless you are satisfied with the results, it is recommended to run the image integration process separately after BPP. it is pretty easy to load in the registered frames.

This allows you to compare different cutoffs, and different stacking algorithms iteratively to improve your images. you can also select the Image integration reference image, and check for bad frames as well at this time.


Offline miska

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Re: BPP optimization
« Reply #4 on: 2016 November 20 04:20:18 »
Thanks, I will start like you suggest, trying to tweak the Integration process.

Any other tips and tricks to take BPP to the next level ?