Lately I am having peculiar issues with DBE and ABE when I use it. Sometimes the use of DBE completely ruins my stack, or my image when applied after integration of the stacks. Using DEB turns the background mottled, and there are lines and patterns visible. Zoomed out it looks grainy, zoomed in it looks scary. It is not the calibration frames because I will shoot 2 images on the same night and 1 comes out decent (DBE does not ruin it), and ones is ruined. It is not Mure Denoise, which I always use, because I processed the same image with and without Mure Denoise and the use of DBE ruined both. Prior to DBE, the image looks very smooth and except for the gradients, would be good. I have attached a red stack for NGC 1333 (21 10 minute subs, STT 8300, Televue np101is). Image 1 is the red stack prior to DBE, Image 2 is the red stack after DBE. Why the mottling?
I really need help with this because it is preventing me from processing. It is extremely frustrating.