Author Topic: Change on-mouse action in left tabs  (Read 7579 times)

Offline Astrocava

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Change on-mouse action in left tabs
« on: 2009 February 17 03:32:01 »
For me is very annoying that left TABS (Processing console, Process explorer and all of the others) appear when the mouse is over them.  Can be changed to show them when you click the TAB?

A minor issue, but...

Moonfish ED80 over a Meade LX200GPS 8"

Offline Juan Conejero

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Change on-mouse action in left tabs
« Reply #1 on: 2009 February 17 06:34:28 »
Hi Sergio,

Why is this annoying for you? In fact, I think it's a nice feature --and AFAIK most users like it. You just have to get accustomed. Just don't place the cursor over a tab for more than 0.375 seconds, and all will be fine :)

Seriously, if the problem is that you accidentally move the cursor over tabs more than a few casual times, perhaps you might consider using an optical mouse with higher resolution, or fine-tuning the cursor speed/acceleration.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Astrocava

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Change on-mouse action in left tabs
« Reply #2 on: 2009 February 18 09:31:21 »
I think my "problem" is to organized the windows in the left side of WorkSpace, so when I click the preview tabs from images they are too near to the other ones.

Watching the tutorials (I've begun today)  I realized that is better to have a separation between windows and left side where the tabs are. :-)

Moonfish ED80 over a Meade LX200GPS 8"

Offline Nocturnal

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Change on-mouse action in left tabs
« Reply #3 on: 2009 February 19 08:23:01 »
I also have those tabs fly out all the time. And they don't always disappear when they should:

- after you start a process
- after you drop an image onto the workspace

I would prefer clickable tabs as well. Yes, I use an optical mouse. Yes, when I move slowly and deliberately the tabs stay in place. After flying from all the way to the right to all the way to the left I sometimes stop a few pixels too far to the left. I suppose it's my age.

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Offline bitli

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Change on-mouse action in left tabs
« Reply #4 on: 2009 February 19 22:44:10 »
I did have the same problem. This is solved partially by moving the tabs I do not use often (scripts) to the bottom right, and leaving the most use at top left, and partially by grumbling when the tools opens to me unwanted.

In fact, a global personal preference option (click or pop up) would be nice for most tabs, especially for those of us that have a single crowded screen, that are too old to play invaders with high precision, or that have a machine that respond with some delay....  Maybe we are too small a minority :-)

There is a restriction with the popping up console which the main feedback that something happens for some operations. It would be annoying if Juan receives bug reports from people who did not bother looking at a closed console.

In fact, at time, the console closes when I want it to stay open. For example some scripts (as the one listing the real resolution of an image) return the result on the console only. You just have the time to see that the information you requested is produced before it is removed in front of your eyes and hidden back in the console icon... I hate machines that want to be clever than me - they have it too easy :-)

Is there a way to tell to the console to stay somehow open at the end of the execution of a scipt. I tried a, but this did not seem to do the job.

Sorry I went a little bit off topic


Offline Juan Conejero

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Change on-mouse action in left tabs
« Reply #5 on: 2009 February 20 01:57:41 »
OK, OK, message received. I see you guys don't like too much my AutoHideWidget's :)

..., and partially by grumbling when the tools opens to me unwanted.

:) Along with grumbling you can hit the Esc key, or click on a tab, to hide an auto-hide window quickly.

n fact, a global personal preference option (click or pop up) would be nice

ToDoList.Add(). I'll try to include this in the next version.

In fact, at time, the console closes when I want it to stay open.

Is there a way to tell to the console to stay somehow open at the end of the execution of a scipt. I tried a, but this did not seem to do the job.

Click the Stick icon (top-right corner, square) to disable the automatic hiding feature of an auto-hide window. Note that even if the auto-hide feature is disabled, you can always hide the window by clicking on its tab, by clicking its Hide button, or by hitting the Esc key.

I'll think on adding a Console.disableAutoHide property.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline David Serrano

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Change on-mouse action in left tabs
« Reply #6 on: 2009 February 20 07:41:32 »
Quote from: "Juan Conejero"
I'll think on adding a Console.disableAutoHide property.

And/or allowing them to live on other sides of the screen. Just an idea!
 David Serrano

Offline David Serrano

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Change on-mouse action in left tabs
« Reply #7 on: 2009 April 10 15:22:42 »
[This is a fun story, nothing important] Joer macho, tenía un post bastante curiosete escrito con una petición, y me acordé de que eso ya se había hablado alguna otra vez. Fui a buscar el hilo, lo encontré (buscando la cadena "375" xD), y me encontré con un mensaje mío en el que ya había propuesto lo mismo.

En fins, me da pena borrarlo así que aquí va :P:



I'd like to be able to move the ProcessingConsole, ViewExplorer, ProcessExplorer, FormatExplorer, HistoryExplorer and ScriptEditor to the right of the screen. Here's why:

PixInsight suggests us to place images at the left of the workspace (the vertical blue bar that sets the maximization limit is what makes this suggestion). So, process icons and interfaces are naturally placed at the right.

When working with some preview we can compare the result of one process against the original (using Undo/Redo Preview), but it's often useful to compare the result of one process after touching a parameter against the result of that same process before touching it (example: "let's see 5 iterations with amount 0.5, instead of 2 iterations with amount 0.8"). The only time we can do this comparison is when we have the result of 2x0.8 on the screen and apply the 5x0.5. When the image changes, we can see the difference, even if just one time. BUT, the ProcessingConsole usually pops out and hides the image, thus preventing the user from seeing the change. The more powerful alternative is to create several previews and apply the same process with different parameters to each one of them, but I find this cumbersome enough to never do it, renouncing to the extra power (this is the best argument against my suggestion ;)).

So I work with the images at the right, and icons and interfaces at the left. The ProcessingConsole doesn't bother me and I'm pretty happy, except for one fact that has been discussed elsewhere, about that 6 windows showing when not desired. That's why I'd like to see them at the right side of the screen.

And while you're at it, what about having a maximization limit that places the image at its right? Currently it always places the image at the left. The flip point could be the center of the screen, that is:

- If the maximization limit is in the right half of the screen, the image goes to the left.
- If the maximization limit is in the left half of the screen, the image goes to the right.

Hala, a fregar la cocina, que para eso se inventaron los Viernes noche :P.
 David Serrano