Author Topic: Real-time preview hang, won't quit, locks files  (Read 1293 times)

Offline Greg Schwimer

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Real-time preview hang, won't quit, locks files
« on: 2016 October 04 22:23:53 »
When using the real-time preview with CurvesTransformation, the preview window stopped responding. The "Show transformed image" button at the upper left was spinning for 30 minutes and never stopped. During this time period I received a number of error messages when attempting to rectify the situation, including:

When trying to close the real-time preview window:
The real-time preview is busy - cannot close it right now.

When trying to make a change to the image that the preview was showing:
image: the view is locked for write operation s

When attempting to quit PixInsight:
One or more views are currently locked.

Terminating the core application with locked views is a risky situation that denotes incorrect behavior of one or more installed modules. Perhaps you may want to fix the locked state(s) manually, if possible. Exit anyway?

The process console was stuck with the following message:
Code: [Select]
CurvesTransformation: Processing view: lrgb
Writing swap files...
351.764 MiB/s
Curves transformation: done
176.463 ms
oiii: Masking from swap files...

I managed to save a backup of the project file with no problem, after which I closed PixInsight. On closing, the OS indicated PixInsight had crashed and provided the attached dump log.

I have only seen this once and am not sure how to reproduce it.
- Greg
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA