Hi Rodd,
Thank you.
To estimate Gaussian noise, I recommend the DarkBiasNoiseEstimator script. Open two good darks or two good biases, and run the script. If you use darks, the noise estimate will include dark current noise, otherwise not. Usually dark current noise is small, and so using biases is typically fine.
As a sanity check for your noise estimate, take the read noise value in e- from the camera manufacture, divide this value by gain in e-/DN, you should get a value similar to your noise estimate in DN. This sanity check accounts for read noise but not dark current noise.
Never use noise estimates obtained from a single frame, as those estimates will include pattern noise, which is removed during calibration.
Never run MureDenoise twice.
Artifacts in the denoised result may be due to several things. Read the requirements in the documentation. Your Gaussian noise estimate could be too high. The Gain estimate could be too low. Or the frame might have been processed or otherwise violate the requirements.
PS Gaussian noise is not affected by star alignment method (don't use related noise estimates, I don't think there are any anyway). But whatever alignment method you choose, just be sure to enter the chosen method in MureDenoise. If you choose Auto, look in the console log for the actual method used by the alignment process and use that.