Author Topic: Invalid memory read operation. Exception code C0000005  (Read 1848 times)

Offline Eduardo

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Invalid memory read operation. Exception code C0000005
« on: 2016 August 25 08:49:38 »
I know this is an old unsolved problem. But it is becoming very annoying to me. My working environment is:
-Windows 10 native Surface Pro 4, 8GB RAM, memory tests go well.
-PI 1.8

With complex images as the attached one, this happens to me almost every time a open it and click on top of it. Can I expect some advance in fixing it?  How about a new version based on a Qt 5.6 I heard of?

As a new user, I'm sorry for my first post in this forum being a complain, and for my poor English. But as I said, PI is almost unusable for me with some images.



Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Invalid memory read operation. Exception code C0000005
« Reply #1 on: 2016 September 02 05:12:06 »
Hi Eduardo,

As you probably are sick of hearing, we cannot reproduce this problem on any of our machines. I am sure also that you have tried all possible workarounds and suggestions given on this forum to no avail.

However, from the reports we have received, this issue seems to be present on some Windows 10 machines with touch screens. This might be the problem in your case, since you are using a Surface. The problem seems to be an incompatibility with some graphics drivers used on these machines with Windows 10.

The next version of PixInsight will be released on October, and will be based on Qt 5.7 (maybe Qt 5.8). Hopefully this new Qt version will fix these issues, but I have no way to be sure about this. Please realize that we cannot test each PixInsight version on every machine available.

On a side note, a MS Surface or similar convertible computer is not, IMHO, an appropriate machine to run PixInsight. PixInsight has been designed and developed to work on powerful workstations with large monitors, lots of RAM and fast processors. For the price of a Surface 4 with a (slow) core i7 and 16 GB of RAM you can have a beefy machine.

Sorry for not being able to provide a more useful answer.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Eduardo

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Re: Invalid memory read operation. Exception code C0000005
« Reply #2 on: 2016 September 02 06:17:55 »
Thank you, Juan

Well, as you implicitly admit in your answer, there’s quite a bit of user reports on this problem. I agree that it seems impossible to find a regular behavior that systematically causes the problem. So, let's wait until Qt 5.7/8- Anyway, a more powerful computer is in my wish list but, in fact, even with my limited config, PI works exceptionally well, fast and responsive, except with very complex images as the one shown in my post. And I find it convenient to be able to run PI in a very portable system as it's the Surface, to attend workshops and work with colleagues.
So, I hope that in the new version the troubles are alleviated. And in any case, I’ll consider seriously the move to a new more capable system.

Thanks again
