Author Topic: Can't extract files on several computers  (Read 7859 times)

Offline LD

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Can't extract files on several computers
« on: 2006 July 07 20:55:29 »
I don't know if this is a bug or incorrect installation; I seem unable to extract channels. I get a dialog box with the header: Pleiades PixInsight LE,  and the message: Process ExtractChannels cannot be executed on view: ImageNumber.

I have tried in CIE Lab and RGB, etc. This has happened on both an older desktop and laptop (about three years old) working with FITS files. It does not happen on a newer laptop. I have not come across any other functions that don't work on either machine.

I removed the program and did a totally fresh download and install in one machine, but the same thing happened.

I can still do masks via a duplicate of the image, but am curious if there is a problem on my end.

Thanks for any advice,
PS: Looks like I'm monopolizing the forum posts lately!

Offline Juan Conejero

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Can't extract files on several computers
« Reply #1 on: 2006 July 08 05:37:18 »
Hello Larry

This is because you are trying to apply the Extract Channels process to a grayscale image. Extract Channels only works with color images.

LE's error messages are quite rough; they give you no useful information in many cases, like the present one. We have changed this behavior completely in the new PixInsight Standard application: you'd have received a message like "ExtractChannels cannot be executed on grayscale images".

Instead of using the Apply button and its arrow button to select an image, you can use the small "<" buttons existing at the bottom left corners of processing windows. This is what we call "process drag object". Click on "<" and drag it to the view (image or preview) that you want the process applied to, and drop. Note that the drag object changes the cursor shape to indicate you if the view you are passing on can accept the process you are dragging.

You can also drag "<" to the application workspace to create a process icon.

The Preview and Apply buttons have disappeared completely in the new Standard application, and will be removed also from future LE releases. We are working now on much more powerful ways to apply a process to a set of images.

BTW, don't hesitate to monopolize the forum all the time if you want - we are glad to hear you  :wink:

Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline LD

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Can't extract files on several computers
« Reply #2 on: 2006 July 08 16:53:02 »
Just read your reply and slapped my head in response: of course, there are no channels to extract!
PS: With weeks of clouds and rain here in NE US I've been having a blast reworking images--and improving them  :D in PI.