I created a Master Bias from a combination of 250 images from my modified Canon 6D at ISO 1600. When I converted this Master Bias into a Super Bias I am getting some strange results. I am expecting a nice smooth Super Bias, but instead getting something with a bunch of streaks (see attached). It looks even worse if I apply the STF Boost stretch. Any ideas why I am getting this result? Is there something wrong with my camera’s sensor? Should I even use the Super Bias or just stick with the Master Bias? Is it fine and I am just over reacting?
My Bias Image Integration Settings: Pixel Combination = Average, Output normalization = none, Weight mode = don’t care, Scale estimator = iterative k-sigma / BWMV, Pixel rejections: Winsorized Sigma Clipping, Rejection normalization = none, Rejection clippings low/high = yes, rejection parameters = 6 sigma.
Super Bias Settings: Orientation = Columns, Multiscale layers = 7, Median Transform = checked, Exclude large-scale structures = checked.
I appreciate the feedback.
Andrew J