My PixInght version is The OS is OSX 10.10.5.
Under certain circumstance (will explain later), PixInsight gets frozen when writing TIFF files. After showing the pink color TIFF warning (insufficient data storage capabilities), it just stops there without doing anything and all the buttons and menus become un-clickable. It can just remain in that state for many minutes if I do not do anything further. (Usually it only takes 2 seconds or so to write a 16bit TIFF file.) The way to wake it up is to right-click the PixInsight icon on the dock and choose to quit. If I do so, a window would pop up and say that "One or more views are currently locked. ...... Exit anyway?" If I click no, then PixInsight wakes up and it writes the TIFF file.
After encountering this numerous times, I seem to figure out what triggers the freezing. After I choose to save in TIFF format, there will be a pop-up window to show the warning about data storage capabilities of TIFF, then another pop-up window for TIFF options. If I just push the return key quickly to "OK" these windows, the freezing would happen. On the other hand, if I just wait for a second or two for each pop-up window and then push return, then everything is fine and PixInsight can write the TIFF file smoothly without freezing there.
I don't remember I had encountered this in the previous version of PixInsight.