Gathered all the data I had of M42 from last summer in RGB and hit it with PixInsight.
The data was about fifty frames each of RGB with four minutes exposure.
Large image x1.5 native camera pixel size. Here 20 MB observatory is only 16km or 10 miles from a large city, Melbourne. Light pollution and transparency is always a problem.
It was the DBE module that first attracted me to PI. I have been slowly learning far more about the use of PI and it gives me better results than anything I have been using in the past.
All data images were output at 32b FP after calibration. Alignment and integration with drizzle x2. After combination of RGB used DBE to eliminate gradients and/or light pollution. MLT used to reduce noise much the same as ATW. I have found that HDRMT works far better on 32b FP data.
The take home message is that without PixInsight this image would not exist. All the interesting dim stuff would be hidden in the light pollution and gradients.
Astrograph is an Officina Stellare RH200 which has a focal length of 600mm and is F3. Clear aperture is 200mm.
FLI Atlas Focuser.
FLI ten position filter wheel CFW-3-10 with 50mm square filters.
Astrodon E series LRGB and HA, NII, SII and OIII 3nm NB filters. Also a continuum filter 5nm.
Camera is a FLI PL16803 which has a sensor size 36.8 X 36.8 mm.
The FoV of this system is 3.5 X 3.5 degrees.
Mount is a Software Bisque PMX.