Author Topic: Global Apply  (Read 2947 times)

Offline gottsch

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Global Apply
« on: 2012 June 08 14:40:33 »
Hi All,

I am starting to learn PI. My test dataset is images from the annular solar eclipse that I want to put into an animation. My starting point are about 120 images that I so far have converted from Canon RAW (CR2) into color channel separated TIFs.

I plan to use histogram, curves, unsharp mask, levels to further process. In the training video harry shows that some tools have a 'Global Apply' button. Unfortunately the histogram is not part of that. So what is the way to apply the same histogram operator to about 120 images? I tried open them all but the software crashed with memory problem. I can open subsets of the images and then apply manually, but that's a pain. What's the correct way to apply the same histogram operator to a larger set of frames? Even better would be to have a way to apply a prescribed sequence of operators to the set of images. Even better would be a way to save this entire processing pipeline to disk so that I can replay it at any time later.

I will ask questions on registration of the partial solar eclipse images later.

Your help is appreciated.

Thanks & Clear Skies,

Offline pfile

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Re: Global Apply
« Reply #1 on: 2012 June 08 17:07:41 »
first figure out your HT one one of the images and drag the triangle to the PI workspace, creating a process icon.

then open an ImageContainer and point it at all your images, and select a destination directory.

then drag the triangle of the ImageContainer process to the workspace, creating a process icon.

then drag the HT process icon onto the IC process icon, and away it goes.

Offline gottsch

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Re: Global Apply
« Reply #2 on: 2012 June 08 17:18:57 »
Hi pfile,

That sounds great, but a little terse for a beginner. I.e. what's a 'HT one one' and how do I figure it out? Let's say I want to apply levels, curves and sharpening in the same sequence. How do I do that?

Thanks & Clear Skies,

Offline Carlos Milovic

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Re: Global Apply
« Reply #3 on: 2012 June 08 18:08:22 »
"on one" :)
Try the whole chain of processes with one image, create a process container with all the history of that image, and apply it to an image container that has all the files you want to modify.

Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer