I recently discovered how valuable Local Histogram Equalization (LHE) is. Lately I use this at the very end of processing with PixInsight. This is my typical process procedure with my SXVR-M25C OSC CCD camera:
1) Calibration and DeBayer each sub
2) Star Alignment and Image Integration
3) Dynamic Crop
4) DBE
5) Background Neutralization and Color Calibration
6) Multiscale Median Transform with Noise Reduction
7) Histogram Stretch
8 ) SCNR to remove green gradients
9) Create Star Mask
10) HDR Multiscale Transform with Star mask to protect the stars
11) Curves Transformation using Saturation with Luminance mask
12) Curves Transformation using RGB/K
13) LHE
I've stopped using ACDNR thanks to Multiscale Median Transform with Noise Reduction. MMT does a great job removing background noise while the image is still linear.
Is there a better time to do LHE besides at the very end of processing?