Antares Rho Ophiuchus.
EDIT: As a critique, is the lack of dark frames evident? The dark noise level was so low that dark calibration seemed superfluous. Particularly as most of the noise appeared to be bias.
Image acquired at a constant temperature of 7 degrees C with a cooled and spectrum modified Canon 1000D DSLR. 200mm camera lens, f/4, ISO800, 210 seconds/frame. Optical polar alignment.
47 lights, 50 bias, 10 flats, no dark frames. All frames dithered mechanically by 10 - 15 pixels in a spiral pattern to improve flat fielding and eliminate bad pixels.
Calibration and integration using the DSLR_RAW workflow. Followed by post processing in PI.
Feedback welcomed, particularly in relation to no dark calibration.